1-1) 10 Forms of Twisted Thinking - And How to Replace Them (1 p. ) An overview of 10 thought patterns that create and maintain emotional distress; their negative impact; and substitutions for each negative thought pattern. (Identifying and replacing these is the basis of CBT.)
1-2) ABC's of RET (1 p.) Outlines how a cognitive model (replacing negative thoughts) compares with a stimulus-response model. (Note - RET was a predecessor of CBT, laying the foundation of understanding how thoughts affect feelings, and how thought replacement can improve mood.)
1-3) Cognitive Triad (1 p.) A chart summarizing 3 major areas of thinking affected negatively by depression and other emotional problems. (Replacing these 3 areas with more positive attitudes is a core task in CBT.)
2-1) Replacing "All or Nothing Thinking" and "Mental Filter" (1 p.) Summarizes replacement strategies for Thought Distortions #1 (All or Nothing Thinking" and #3 (Negative Mental Filter).
2-2) Gratitude Journal - Cultivating Positive Awareness (1 p.) A simple but effective strategy for replacing Thought Distortion #3, Negative Mental Filter. Helpful for adults, youth, and children.
2-3) Decatastrophizing - Stopping the Anxiety Cycle (2 p.) A replacement strategy for Thought Distortion #5, Jumping to Conclusions. Page one outlines the 4-stage process of how anxiety develops, and how to replace it; Page 2 provides a worksheet to guide the change process.
2-4) Replacing the "Should's" (1 p.) Identifies a protocol for replacing Thought Distortion #8, Should Statements.
2-5) "Blame Pie" - Replacing Blame or Self-Blame (1 p.) An effective replacement for Thought Distortion #10, Blame or Self-Blame. This thought pattern is a significant contributor to depression, anger, and other problems. Replacing it can give significant emotional relief.
2-6) Learned Optimism - Replacing the 3 P's of Pessimism (1 p.) A pessimistic attitude both precedes and follows depression. Learn to identify and replace the "interpretive style" or mindset of pessimism that can make you vulnerable to deeper emotional challenges.
3-1) Mood Log 1: Identifying (1 p. ) A form to help you log negative triggers, thoughts, and feelings. First step in CBT-based recovery.
3-2) Mood Log 2: Replacing (1 p.) A continuation of Mood Log 1, when you are ready to replaced identified negative thoughts.
3-3) Vertical Columned Timeline - The Mosaic (1 p.) A form for creating a vertical timeline or life overview, looking at major events, both positive and negative, to see life in perspective.
3-4) Weighing the Pro's and Con's (1 p.) A form to help you evaluate the costs and benefits of maintaining or changing a given thought, behavior, or habit.
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